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Growers Summerfruit Fund

Summerfruit Fund snapshot

$665 thousand
Invested in R&D in 2022/23
See the investments
$277 thousand
Invested in marketing in 2022/23
See marketing updates
$945 thousand
Levy collected in 2022/23
See how we manage the fund
Most recent
Final research report
Summerfruit market access and trade development project (SF19000)
Ongoing project
Summerfruit trade development project (SF23003)
Ongoing project
Summerfruit extension and communication project (SF23004)
Ongoing project
Stone fruit usage and attitude study (SF23002)
Final research report
Summerfruit Export Strategy (SF22000)
View all

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Strategic Investment Plan

Read the Summerfruit Fund SIP

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2022/23 Fund Annual Report

All the activity from 2022/23 in one place

Read it now

Need help? Get in touch

Hort Innovation
Dumi Mhlanga
Dumi Mhlanga
Industry Service & Delivery Manager
Contact details
0447 091 186 Send an email
Industry representative body
Summerfruit Australia Limited
Summerfruit Australia Limited
27 Ludgate Hill Road
Aldgate SA, 5154 0417 809 172 Send an email