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Hort Innovation The company Corporate governance Annual grower and partner survey

Annual Grower and Partner Survey

The Grower and Partner Survey is an important instrument to support our continuous improvement, through feedback on how we are engaging with and delivering outcomes for the horticulture sector.

2024 survey

The 2024 Grower and Partner Survey closed in June and results are expected in August.

2023 Survey

In August and September 2023, we invited feedback from the following stakeholder cohorts:

  • Growers (including members and non-members)
  • Peak Industry Bodies (PIBs)
  • Delivery Partners.

The results, delivered through Intuitive Solutions, indicated positive progress in Delivery Partner and PIB engagement, with clear areas for improvement in the engagement of growers. 

Some themes and opportunities that emerged include:

  • Demonstrating alignment between our impact and grower needs.

The results and impact of our investments need to be communicated in clearer terms to growers, particularly where there are direct commercial benefits. 

  • Boosting the understanding of Hort Innovation’s role and the function of the levy.

Growers are looking for greater clarity on the role of Hort Innovation in relation to our stewardship of the levy on their behalf. This lack of clarity may have contributed to lower levels of satisfaction, and sentiment, from growers who responded to the survey.

  • Providing more support for smaller growers.

Across several metrics, there is a significant variation between our performance, reach and relevance for growers, depending on their size. We are more favourably perceived by large growers than by smaller enterprises.

  • Meeting growers where growers are – build on our frontline engagement.

The interactions with our industry service and delivery managers are seen as valuable with 75 per cent of growers reporting at least one specified outcome because of these interactions. We will continue to build on direct contact with growers in the regions at forums, events and direct visits.

  • Reaching growers directly and in partnership.

There are opportunities to better distinguish between levy-funded communications projects and the largely multi-industry communications Hort Innovation delivers and develop reach and stronger alignment in general.

Pleasingly, the feedback highlighted areas for improvement already underway within the business and in alignment with the Hort Innovation Strategy 2024-2026, or identified by our Board and executive team.

Thank you to the growers, PIB representatives and Delivery Partners who responded to the survey. The feedback is being further analysed and will be incorporated into our plans for 2024 and beyond.

Any questions? Contact Hort Innovation Stakeholder Engagement Advisor Glyn Cryer at

See past survey results

Read the 2023 survey results
PDF,1716 KB
Read the 2021 survey results
PDF,1289 KB
Read the 2017 survey results
PDF,1402 KB