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Hort Innovation Contact us Industry Service & Delivery Managers

Industry Service & Delivery Managers

Connect with Hort Innovation's team members to learn more about levy investments in your industry

Industry Service & Delivery Managers (ISDMs) are able to keep you updated with information from your industry’s levy investments and how outputs from these can help your business grow.

They are listed below for each industry and are always keen for a chat.

If you can't get straight through, it’s easy to book a phone call at a time that suits you by using the email links.

Head of Industry Service
& Delivery: 

Corrine Jasper
Phone: 0439 433 885
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Corrine oversees the industries listed below…


Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Nicole Dimos Byrnes
Phone: 0499 989 791
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Apple and pear

Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Rachel Davis
Phone: 0473 849 360
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Gemma Burger
Phone: 0458 650 876
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Adrian Englefield
Phone: 0427 143 907
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Dumisani Mhlanga
Phone: 0447 091 186
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager:
Eloise Mason
Phone: 0429 602 227
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Adrian Englefield
Phone: 0427 143 907
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Custard apple

Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Gemma Burger
Phone: 0458 650 876
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Dried grape

Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Nicole Dimos Byrnes
Phone: 0499 989 791
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Dried tree fruit

Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Nicole Dimos Byrnes
Phone: 0499 989 791
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Dumi Mhlanga
Phone: 0447 091 186
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Rachel Davis
Phone: 0473 849 360
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Nicole Dimos Byrnes
Phone: 0499 989 791
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Gemma Burger
Phone: 0458 650 876
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Eloise Mason
Phone: 0429 602 227
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Eloise Mason
Phone: 0429 602 227
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Nicole Dimos Byrnes
Phone: 0499 989 791
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Raspberry and blackberry

Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Adrian Englefield
Phone: 0427 143 907
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Adrian Englefield
Phone: 0427 143 907
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Dumisani Mhlanga
Phone: 0447 091 186
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Table grape

Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Nicole Dimos Byrnes
Phone: 0499 989 791
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Rachel Davis
Phone: 0473 849 360
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Head of Industry Service
& Delivery: 

Jane Wightman
Phone: 0427 142 046
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Jane oversees the industries listed below…


Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Sarah Strutt
Phone: 0427 147 964
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Sarah Strutt
Phone: 0427 147 964
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Sarah Strutt
Phone: 0427 147 964
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Mark Spees
Phone: 0439 574 173
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
George Russell
Phone: 0417 954 814
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
George Russell
Phone: 0417 954 814
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Mark Spees
Phone: 0439 574 173
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Sarah Strutt
Phone: 0427 147 964
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
George Russell
Phone: 0417 954 814
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Potato – fresh

Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Jason Hingston
Phone: 0429 793 496
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Potato – processing

Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Jason Hingston
Phone: 0429 793 496
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Processing tomato

Industry Service & Delivery Manager: Mark Spees
Phone: 0439 574 173
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Jason Hingston
Phone: 0429 793 496
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Jason Hingston
Phone: 0429 793 496
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Mark Spees
Phone: 0439 574 173
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Industry Service & Delivery Manager: 
Jason Hingston
Phone: 0429 793 496
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Other portfolios

Industry Analysis and Industry Market Research

Lucy Noble
Industry Insights Manager
Phone: 0427 145 844
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Sean Nonnenmacher
Impact Evaluation Mananger
Phone: 0459 237 653
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Jayden Wensing
Graduate Data Analyst
Phone: 0437 498 791


Industry Communications and Conferences

Sharon Watt
Industry Communications Project Manager
Phone: 0427 156 285
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