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Hort Innovation The company Corporate governance Annual Performance Meetings

Annual Performance Meetings

Our funding agreement with the Australian Government (the Deed of Agreement 2020-2030) includes a requirement for a principles-based approach to reporting and accountability of Hort Innovation. As part of our funding agreement, Hort Innovation is required to participate in a meeting with Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) to demonstrate our performance against five key performance principles and 14 KPIs each financial year. Further information about the performance principles and the KPIs is available in the Guidelines for Statutory Funding Agreements.

How we are performing for you?

To support improved transparency for our stakeholders of the Australian Government’s governance requirements for Hort Innovation and our performance, we are publishing information about this performance meeting process.

For more information on Hort Innovation’s governance structure and processes, please visit our Corporate Governance page.

Hort Innovation's 2023/24 Performance Statement
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