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Hort Innovation Our work Trade and export Top 10 trade commodities Australia's top ten trade commodities – Carrot

Australia's top 10 trade commodities – Carrots

Australian carrot exports

Australian carrots, known for their freshness, safety, and quality assurance, are consistently supplied to local, interstate, and international markets, thanks to year-round production. Victoria and Western Australia are the leading carrot producers, collectively accounting for more than half of Australia's carrot output. Following closely are Tasmania, Queensland, and South Australia, contributing significantly to the nation's carrot production.

Carrots are often cultivated in rotation with other vegetable crops such as potatoes, lettuce, cauliflowers, broccoli, and onions. They thrive in various soil types, though sandy soils are preferred due to their positive impact on root quality and ease of harvesting.

Australian carrot exports to top 10 markets (by volume in tonnage, year ending March 2024)

  1. United Arab Emirates – 28,913
  2. Saudi Arabia – 14,353
  3. Malaysia – 12,685
  4. Singapore – 10,382
  5. Qatar – 5,093
  6. Hong Kong – 2,307
  7. Kuwait – 2,231
  8. Fiji – 2,164
  9. Taiwan – 1,714
  10. Thailand – 1,668

Countries that Australia has market access for carrots

Data from Micor

United Arab Emirates Saudi Arabia
Malaysia Singapore
Qatar Hong Kong
Kuwait Fiji
Taiwan Thailand
Bahrain Japan
Oman New Caledonia
French Polynesia Vanuatu
Seychelles Papua New Guinea
Brunei Maldives
Tonga Solomon Islands
Reunion France
Indonesia Philippines
Tuvalu East Timor
Kiribati Nauru
Guam Sri Lanka
American Samoa Cook Islands
European Union Jordan
Kiribati Mayotte

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Dr Mila Bristow
General Manager of Trade & Biosecurity R&D
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0498 391 484 Send an email
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Dr Anthony Baker
Head of Market Access R&D
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0431 544 838 Send an email
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Mimi Doan
International Trade Manager
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0408 316 329 Send an email
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Jade Archibald
International Trade Manager
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0427 152 023 Send an email
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Dr Andrea Magiafoglou
R&D Manager Market Access
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0474 733 558 Send an email
Troy Agosti
International Marketing Manager
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0436 666 811 Send an email