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Hort Innovation Our work Trade and export Top 10 trade commodities Australia's top ten trade commodities - almond

Australia's top 10 trade commodities – Almonds

Australian almond exports

The Australian almond industry is expanding rapidly with the total area of almond plantations having increased from 3,555 hectares in 2000 to 58,046 in 2020. Australian almonds are grown in four regions of Australia: Sunraysia (VIC) which produced 56 per cent of production, Riverina (NSW) which produces 24 per cent of production, Riverland (SA) with 19 per cent of production and Swan (WA) which accounts for 1 per cent of production.  

There is strong demand for almonds globally with consumption growth worldwide to continue due to the increased awareness of the positive health attributes, the use of almonds in new food products, and rapidly growing demand from developing markets.

For the Australian almond industry, sustainability is about creating a thriving industry that has a positive impact on the environment, local communities and economy. By striving toward continuous improvement, the aim is to grow an industry that’s better for the planet, the economy, local communities and growers. There is also commitment from industry to create a safe, ethical and fair workforce. 

Australian almond exports to top 10 markets (by volume in tonnage, year ending March 2024)

  1. China – 40,920
  2. India – 26,309
  3. Vietnam – 11,922
  4. Turkey – 10,436
  5. Spain – 9,829
  6. Germany – 3,901
  7. United States – 3,635
  8. United Arab Emirates – 2,395
  9. Netherlands – 1,568
  10. New Zealand – 1,526

Countries that Australia has market access for almonds 

Data from Micor

China India
Vietnam Turkey
Spain Germany
United States United Arab Emirates
Netherlands New Zealand
Indonesia France
Thailand Denmark
Belgium Portugal
Jordan Saudi Arabia
Singapore Poland
United Kingdom Qatar
Kuwait Lebanon
Italy Malaysia
South Africa Japan
Bulgaria Philippines
Libya Uruguay
Argentina Greece
Romania Ecuador
Sweden Papua New Guinea
Canada Hong Kong
Algeria Azerbaijan
Bangladesh Brazil
Chile Georgia
Isreal Mauritius
Norway Russia
Sri Lanka Ukraine

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Dr Mila Bristow
General Manager of Trade & Biosecurity R&D
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0498 391 484 Send an email
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Dr Anthony Baker
Head of Market Access R&D
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0431 544 838 Send an email
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Mimi Doan
International Trade Manager
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0408 316 329 Send an email
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Jade Archibald
International Trade Manager
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0427 152 023 Send an email
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Dr Andrea Magiafoglou
R&D Manager Market Access
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0474 733 558 Send an email
Troy Agosti
International Marketing Manager
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0436 666 811 Send an email