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Hort Innovation Our work Trade and export Top 10 export destinations Australia's top ten export destinations – South Korea

Australia's top 10 export destinations – South Korea

Australian fruit, nut and vegetable exports

Through the Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement (KAFTA), there is a comprehensive bilateral agreement in place for these trading partners. This agreement has seen substantial benefits for the horticulture sector through tariff eliminations/reductions.

While the country is protective of its domestic production, consumers are increasingly expecting year-round supply, which must be fulfilled by imported produce. A key challenge for Australian products is competition from other countries such as the US, Chile, Peru and other Asian markets as they also have free trade agreement offering similar terms as Australia.

Although there are traditional and wet markets in South Korea, when it comes to premium horticultural products the supermarkets dominate. Consumers enjoy premium, high-quality produce and they are willing to pay for it creating opportunity for Australian exports.

Top ten levy-funded Australian exports to South Korea by volume for the year ending February 2024

  1. Potato – 26,195 tonnes
  2. Orange – 14,588 tonnes
  3. Table grape – 6,082 tonnes
  4. Macadamia (all) – 1,465 tonnes
  5. Lemon and lime – 1,199 tonnes
  6. Mangoes (including guava and mangosteen) – 212 tonnes
  7. Asparagus – 151 tonnes
  8. Brussels sprout – 113 tonnes
  9. Cherry – 47 tonnes
  10. Mandarin (including tangerine and satsuma) – 45 tonnes

Australian commodities with market access to South Korea:

Broccoli (including broccolini)
Brussels sprout
Celery and celeriac
Citrus (including orange, lemon and mandarin)
Globe artichoke
Table grapes

South Korea is the ninth-highest export location for Australian fruit, nuts and vegetables

Year ending February 2024

Useful links

  • See more export facts and figures in Hort Innovation’s 2022/23 Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook here
  • Gain insights into international consumers for 13 of Australia’s priority export markets here
  • See how key Aussie export stakeholders and authorities are joining forces to help protect and grow Australia’s horticultural exports with the Fresh and Secure Trade Alliance (FASTA) here
  • Access the Hort IQ International Consumer Needs dashboard here
  • Access the Austrade Go Global toolkit here

See also

Australia's top ten trade horticultural commodities here

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Dr Mila Bristow
General Manager of Trade & Biosecurity R&D
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0498 391 484 Send an email
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Dr Anthony Baker
Head of Market Access R&D
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0431 544 838 Send an email
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Mimi Doan
International Trade Manager
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0408 316 329 Send an email
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Jade Archibald
International Trade Manager
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0427 152 023 Send an email
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Dr Andrea Magiafoglou
R&D Manager Market Access
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0474 733 558 Send an email
Troy Agosti
International Marketing Manager
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