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Hort Innovation Our work Trade and export Top 10 export destinations Australia's top ten export destinations – Thailand

Australia's top 10 export destinations – Thailand

Australian fruit, nut and vegetable exports

Thailand and Australia have long-standing and deep connections, with formal diplomatic relations being established in 1952. The Strategic Partnership, signed in 2020, builds on the Agreement on Bilateral Cooperation and demonstrates our commitment to broaden and deepen cooperation across the breadth of the relationship.

Changing consumer demand, tourism and many expatriates living in Thailand drive competition between fresh food supermarkets. Leading supermarkets in Bangkok, and other large cities, carry a large range of imported produce.

There is growing demand for fresh produce from the Thailand retail, foodservice and food manufacturing sectors with total sales of fruit and vegetables (by volume) increasing by six per cent and four per cent respectively in 2022.

 Local produce remains popular in Thailand as it suits local tastes and is cheaper, so it is important to remain competitive and to build and maintain awareness of your Australian produce. However, Australian exports can benefit from our:

  • Image in Thailand as clean, safe and ethical producers
  • Relatively close location allowing for shorter shipment times, so fresher produce
  • Free trade agreement benefits
  • Seasonal opportunities including Chinese New Year, Thai New Year, and Vegetarian Festival.

Top ten levy-funded Australian exports to Thailand by volume for the year ending February 2024

  1. Onion (all) – 21,784 tonnes
  2. Mandarin (including tangerines and satsumas) – 18,411 tonnes
  3. Table grape – 8,289 tonnes
  4. Orange – 1,785 tonnes
  5. Carrot and turnip – 1,595 tonnes
  6. Almond (shelled) – 965 tonnes
  7. Strawberry – 886 tonnes
  8. Avocado – 696 tonnes
  9. Apple – 231 tonnes
  10. Cauliflower and broccoli – 196 tonnes

Australian commodities with market access to Thailand

Carrot and turnip
Cauliflower and broccoli
Chive, garlic and leek
Citrus (including mandarin, orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime, and tangelo)
Soft vegetables (including cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, and brussels sprouts)
Summerfruit (including apricot, nectarine, peach, and plus)
Table grapes

Thailand is the eighth-highest export location for Australian fruit, nuts and vegetables

Year ending February 2024

Useful links

  • See more export facts and figures in Hort Innovation’s 2022/23 Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook here
  • Gain insights into international consumers for 13 of Australia’s priority export markets here
  • See how key Aussie export stakeholders and authorities are joining forces to help protect and grow Australia’s horticultural exports with the Fresh and Secure Trade Alliance (FASTA) here
  • Access the Hort IQ International Consumer Needs dashboard here
  • Access the Austrade Go Global toolkit here

See also

Australia's top ten trade horticultural commodities here

More information
Dr Mila Bristow
General Manager of Trade & Biosecurity R&D
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0498 391 484 Send an email
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Dr Anthony Baker
Head of Market Access R&D
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0431 544 838 Send an email
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Mimi Doan
International Trade Manager
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0408 316 329 Send an email
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Jade Archibald
International Trade Manager
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0427 152 023 Send an email
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Dr Andrea Magiafoglou
R&D Manager Market Access
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0474 733 558 Send an email
Troy Agosti
International Marketing Manager
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0436 666 811 Send an email