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Biosecurity reminder for onion growers

Publication date: 19 November 2019

This article was produced as part of the Hort Innovation Onion Fund project Australian onion industry communications program (VN18003).


Following a biosecurity breach from a Tasmanian garlic grower in September 2019, which had the capacity to devastate the agriculture sector, growers are being reminded about the importance of implementing biosecurity measures to reduce the risks of pests, diseases and weeds impacting onion production.

Grower resources  

  1. Plant Health Australia’s (PHA) Biosecurity Online Training (BOLT) platform provides free access to e-learning courses related to plant biosecurity. Growers can access a summary course on the Australian biosecurity system and how emergency responses to plant pests are managed under the Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed as well as courses on National EEP Response Management and Pest Reporting and Responses. Access the Biosecurity Online Training Portal here.
  1. Furthermore, the Onion Growers’ Biosecurity Manual provides growers with a guide to farm biosecurity measures to reduce the risk of pests, diseases and weeds, that may impact on production. The Manual can be accessed here.
  1. Finally, growers are encouraged to visit the Onion Biosecurity Plan, a framework for biosecurity risk mitigation measures. The Plan underpins the core procedures that can be put in place to reduce the chance of pest and disease affecting the onion industry, as well as minimising the impact if an incursion does occur. The Plan can be accessed here.