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Ongoing project

Diagnosis and management of dieback in persimmon trees (PR21000)

Key research provider: Charles Sturt University

What’s it all about?

This investment is determining which organisms are the cause of dieback in persimmon trees so that growers can be provided with appropriate management strategies to minimise yield loss.

Persimmon growers have reported crop losses of up to 50 per cent associated with dieback symptoms across Australia, including impacts on the longevity of trees and even death in some instances. Clarification is required on what species causing dieback are present across Australia, how they are causing the disease and how growers can manage the symptoms.

The research team will work collaboratively with the persimmon industry to identify growers to participate in disease surveys, and nursery horticulturalists involved with the persimmon variety improvement program. The susceptibility of commonly grown persimmon cultivars will be assessed, along with the efficacy of fungicides and potential biocontrol agents.

Dissemination of project findings to growers will occur through hands-on workshops, industry newsletters and scientific publications, in collaboration with the Persimmon industry communications and extension program (PR20000).

Related levy funds

This project is a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Persimmon Fund