World Deciduous Canned Fruit Conference study tour, China, 2010 (CF10700)
This is a final research report from Hort Innovation’s historical archives. Please note that as these reports may date back as far as the 1990s, the content and recommendations within them may be superseded by more recent research.
What was it all about?
The 10th World Deciduous Canning Fruit Conference (“CANCON10”) was held in Xuzhou, China in August 2010. These conferences were held every eighteen months and alternate between northern and southern hemisphere members of the World Canned Deciduous Council.
At Cancon09, which was held in Shepparton, Australia in March 2009, it was revealed that China produces 48 per cent of the world’s canned peaches. China was not a member of the World Canned Deciduous Council, so an invitation was extended to the China Canned Foods Industry Association to participate. The Chinese accepted the invitation and hosted Cancon10.
The members of World Canned Deciduous Council were Argentina, Australia, Chile, China, Greece, Spain, South Africa and USA.
Delegations from each member country made presentations to an audience of over 600 people, including 55 delegates and others from around the world including non member countries. Attendees also came from, Thailand, Japan, Canada, Italy Germany and Russia.
The Australian Delegation from the Canned Fruits Industry Council of Australia consisted of cannery representatives, fruit growers and grower association representatives;
At Cancon10 each country presented reports on production, acreage, and prices paid to farmers at the time. The common theme for most reports (except China) was a decline in markets, reduced production and falling producer prices.
China had production growth and although exports contracted in 2008 by 7 per cent during the global financial crisis, its domestic consumption grew by 14 per cent. China expected to double domestic consumption by 2014 despite reporting increases in labour and tin plate costs.
Elsewhere the effects of the global financial crisis continued to impact on world demand with currency appreciation against the American dollar being a major factor in reducing competiveness for exporters.
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Funding statement:
This project was funded by Hort Innovation (then Horticulture Australia Limited) with the financial support of Canned Fruits Industry Council of Australia.
Copyright © Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited 2011. The Final Research Report (in part or as whole) cannot be reproduced, published, communicated or adapted without the prior written consent of Hort Innovation (except as may be permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)).