A comprehensive study into international consumer demand for Australian horticulture in 13 key markets has delivered revealing insights that will help inform export strategies and activities for some of the nation’s leading horticulture export industries.
Hort Innovation has shared the results from the Understanding International Consumer Demand project with industry. The initiative was funded through the Australian Government’s Agricultural Trade and Market Access Cooperation program, along with levy contributions from 20 participating industries.
Those industries are almond, apple and pear, avocado, blueberry, cherry, citrus, dried grape, fresh potato, lychee, macadamia, mango, melon, olive, onion, raspberry and blackberry, strawberry, summerfruit, sweetpotato, table grape and vegetable. These industries have prioritised export in their Strategic Investment Plans for 2022-26.
Three category reports have been produced for fruit, vegetables, and dried fruits/nuts, as well as 13 market reports for Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Qatar, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States and Vietnam.
The insights contained within these reports will be used to inform future trade initiatives led by Hort Innovation and are available for industry to leverage in their own businesses.
Hort Innovation General Manager for Trade & Biosecurity Research and Development, Dr Mila Bristow, said a comprehensive understanding of what drives consumer demand and decision-making is required to guide export strategies and improve Australia’s success in selling to international partners.
“The results from this project provide a consumer-focused perspective on the export opportunities for Australian horticulture across 13 key markets,” Dr Bristow said.
The research unpacks consumer attitudes and values, as well as their fresh produce shopping behaviour and how they consume fruits, nuts and vegetables.
“It also provides a strategic lens through which markets represent the most attractive opportunity for each commodity, and identifies which commodities have the strongest right to play within each market.”
The research was led by Kantar Insights as part of the Australian horticulture international demand creation (ST21007) program.
The research team:
- Identified the most profitable consumer trends and growth opportunities in priority international markets where Australian produce has the right to play and prioritised them across markets
- Identified target consumers and their needs in occasion and usage through purchase behaviour patterns to better address each market with Australian produce
- Optimised product positioning to drive profitable growth against prioritised industries, allowing the deployment of trade marketing resources in the most effective and coordinated way.
The 13 markets included in the Kantar report were chosen based on previous analysis by Deloitte that identified priority markets for Australian export, with a view to diversify.
Those priority markets were ranked by Deloitte based on import need, future growth, preferences, trade and country risk and compatibility.
The Kantar category reports now available to industry include a consumption snapshot for each commodity and detail around when, how and where each product is consumed, where it is purchased and with whom it is consumed.
The reports also outline core consumption drivers, premium drivers, barriers, substitutes and strategic recommendations for ‘where to play’ and ‘how to win’.
Hort Innovation has established a portal where industry stakeholders can register to access the reports here.
The findings from the research will also be delivered by Hort Innovation via presentations throughout the remainder of 2023.
“This is the most comprehensive and useful report ever released by Hort Innovation.”
Agricultural trade specialist Noel Shield is among a number of industry stakeholders who have been impressed by the market research, stating: “This is the most comprehensive and useful report ever released by Hort Innovation.”
Mr Shield, whose career has included 30 years domiciled in six countries across Asia, is an adviser to Farmind Corporation Japan which is involved in fruit imports, warehousing, distribution, transport, farming and production, value adding shipping and information technology.
The recipient of the 2020 Asiafruit Impact Award for recognition of his work across the fruit industry in Asia, Mr Shield is a member of the project reference group for the ‘Understanding International Consumer Demand’ project.
Mr Shield said with insightful research into supply chains and consumer demands now at hand, understanding the relationship between consumers and their product preferences would boost industry’s strategic knowledge and positioning.