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Completed project

Melon industry communication program (VM20006)

Key research provider: Melons Australia
Publication date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024

What was it all about?

The melon industry communications program has made substantial progress in keeping melon growers informed creating a connected community. This includes increased social media engagement, enhanced industry visibility, and an expanding member database. Additionally, efforts to improve the website and member platform have been successful.


The communications program faced difficulties in boosting and maintaining engagement and visibility across industry channels. It was necessary to improve the usability of the website and member platform to ensure regular dissemination of relevant content and expand the Melons Australia member database. Furthermore, securely housing confidential documents within the member platform presented technical and logistical challenges.


To address the challenges, Melons Australia focused on disseminating relevant industry content and event updates through digital channels to foster engagement. This included launching a biannual magazine, Melon News, online and in print, featuring grower spotlights and project updates.

Targeted outreach and initiatives such as the roadshow series were implemented to bolster numbers in the member database.

Website usability improvements were made based on ongoing analysis, including the launch of the Community of Practice (COP), enriched with valuable resources and secure member-only access.


These efforts have substantially increased social media engagement and followers across channels, heightened industry visibility, and a growing database with 117 new contacts and 42 new e-News subscribers.

The newly launched biannual Melons News magazine and regular updates have kept members informed and connected. The Community of Practice now provides a valuable resource hub and enriches the industry.

These initiatives have strengthened industry relationships, enhanced communication, and positioned the melon industry as a more connected and informed community.

Related levy funds

This project was a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Melon Fund.