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Ongoing project

Vegetable industry communications program (VG22000)

Key research provider: AUSVEG

What's it all about?

This investment is responsible for effectively communicating the findings of levy-funded R&D and other relevant industry news, issues and data to vegetable growers and other industry stakeholders. The goal is to increase awareness of project outcomes and inspire on-farm adoption of new learnings and technologies.

Several regular communication channels continue to be produced and maintained by this project, including but not limited to:

  • Weekly e-newsletter Weekly Updatesign up here
  • Quarterly Vegetables Australia magazine, with current and back issues available here
  • Social media updates in AUSVEG channels
  • Media relations for R&D-related news
  • Videos and podcasts
  • New online hub as a ‘one-stop-shop’ for vegetable growers to access information on research outcomes, industry news and events, and VegNET-related activities
  • Quarterly R&D case study packages that will be used in articles, videos, podcasts, social media, and media releases

This investment will also translate key R&D articles into languages other than English, including Vietnamese, Khmer, Mandarin, and Arabic, to engage a diverse range of vegetable-growing communities.

Related levy funds

This project is a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Vegetable Fund.