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Ongoing project

Pest management for the Australian sweetpotato industry (PW22000)

Key research provider: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Queensland

What is it all about?

This project is investigating nematode population diversity in Australian sweetpotato-growing soils in order to develop effective control strategies and provide improved virus diagnostic methods for the industry.

The research through this project will improve knowledge of plant-parasitic nematode populations (including variations in pathogenicity) for Australian sweetpotato growers through surveillance, characterisation, and pathogenicity testing. An updated selection of resistant rotation crops will be available to growers through screening of new crops/cultivars against current nematode pests and any new species/populations of concern that are identified in the project.

This project will enhance current gold standard sweetpotato virus diagnostics, streamline protocols and evaluate new methods for improved accuracy and rapid in field detection to maintain optimal seedbed production and avoid virus build up.

The research will contribute to reduced crop losses by enhancing knowledge of sustainable pest and disease practices. For example, fit-for-purpose knowledge of the appropriate resistant rotation crops and sweetpotato cultivars for a location or nematode pathotype, facilitates sustainable production. Research on nematode pest populations, crop resistance, enhanced diagnostics and awareness of exotic virus threats also helps to improve industry preparedness and resilience to current and future biosecurity threats.

Related levy funds

This project is a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Sweetpotato Fund