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Ongoing project

Pineapple industry development and extension project (PI22000)

Key research provider: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Queensland

What's it all about?

This investment is tasked with supporting pineapple growers in adopting improved practices on-farm and keeping up to date with the latest industry news, information, resources and technologies.

The overarching goal is to secure the long-term sustainability and prosperity of the pineapple industry by enabling it to adapt to changing circumstances and leverage new opportunities. This approach aims to empower the industry, encourage continuous improvement, and facilitate the implementation of research outcomes to generate tangible benefits and drive meaningful progress.

The project aims to achieve participation from 90 per cent of growers, representing 95 per cent of the total pineapple production. The project team will employ various strategies to encourage adoption, including regional study group meetings, technical content of the 'Pineapple Industry Field Day', project trials, and effective communication through the Pineapple Press newsletter and a dedicated project website.

The project team will also gather industry production data annually and provide a platform for nurturing future pineapple industry leaders through a Think Tank group focusing on addressing long-term industry issues.

The project team will actively engage pineapple growers and stakeholders throughout the project's planning, implementation, and evaluation processes. By adopting this methodology, the project aims to bolster the pineapple industry by involving growers directly, carrying out trials that align with industry needs, and fostering collaboration and communication within the sector. This approach guarantees attention to industry priorities, encourages collaboration and knowledge exchange, and improves the long-term effectiveness and sustainability of the pineapple industry.

Related levy funds

This project is a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Pineapple Fund