Fund Impact Assessment 2020/21: cherry, vegetables and small tropicals (MT21013)
What was it all about?
Each year Hort Innovation engages independent consultants to evaluate the impact of our R&D investments. This involves looking across a random sample of Hort Innovation R&D projects completed in the previous financial year, plus a specific look at the impact of work within a selection of industry-specific Hort Innovation Funds.
This project evaluated a random selection of projects in the Hort Innovation Cherry, Vegetable and Small Tropical (Lychee, Pineapple, Papaya, Persimmon, Passionfruit) Funds, with a focus on projects completed within the five years to 30 June 2021, aligned to the 2017-2021 industry Strategic Investment Plans.
Access the reports and case studies
- Summary report
- Comparing the performance of new cherry rootstocks soon to be available to industry (CY12010)
- Cherry communications program (CY15002)
- Export readiness and market access (CY16004)
- Summary report
- Export opportunities for carrots, sweet corn, beans, broccoli and baby leaf – symposia (VG13072)
- Extension of integrated crop protection information (VG13078)
- Sowing success through transformational technologies (VG15021)
- Facilitating adoption of IPM through a participatory approach with local advisors and industry (VG15034 and VG15035)
- Understanding consumer triggers and barriers to consumption of Australian indigenous vegetables and Asian vegetables (VG15071)
- Export development of Australian vegetables to Japan (VG15074)
- Optimising cover cropping for the Australian vegetable industry (VG16068)
- Novel glass projects (VG15038 and VG16070)
Small Tropical
This multi-industry project was a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Cherry, Lychee, Papaya, Passionfruit, Persimmon, Pineapple, and Vegetable Funds