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Ex-post impact assessment - industry specific (MT19012)

Key research provider: AgEconPlus
Publication date: Wednesday, March 3, 2021

What was it all about?

During 2019/20, Hort Innovation engaged independent consultants to evaluate the impact of our R&D investments. This included looking across a random sample of all Hort Innovation R&D projects completed in the 2018/19 financial year, plus a specific look at the impact of work within the Hort Innovation Almond, Banana, Citrus and Onion Funds, with a focus on projects completed within the five years to 30 June 2019, aligned to the current industry Strategic Investment Plans.

The assessments revealed a range of economic, social and environmental impacts being generated for growers, supply chain participants and the community at large. The results also highlighted the value of these benefits in monetary terms.

Results and information on the whole-of-R&D impact assessment, facilitated through the project Ex-post impact assessment (MT18011), can be found here.

Meanwhile, the industry-specific information from the project Ex-post impact assessment – industry-specific (MT19012) can be found below. MT19012 was a one-year project, with Hort Innovation committing to future iterations each year to progress impact assessments through the various industry funds.

Results from the Hort Innovation Almond Fund impact assessment

Download this short fact sheet for growers describing how the Almond Fund assessments were made and what they found.

In summary, a random sample of nine projects was assessed, with an aggregated weighted average BCR of 3.6 to 1. These projects are expected to deliver some $50.54 million in additional value to the industry and community over the next 30 years.

To explore the full details of the impact assessments for each of the nine Apple and Pear Fund projects assessed, you can download the full impact assessment reports below:

Results from the Hort Innovation Banana Fund impact assessment

Download this short fact sheet for growers describing how the Banana Fund assessments were made and what they found.

In summary, a random sample of eight projects was assessed, with an aggregated weighted average BCR of 3.6 to 1. These projects are expected to deliver some $31.54 million in additional value to the industry and community over the next 30 years.

To explore the full details of the impact assessments for each of the eight Banana Fund projects assessed, you can download the full impact assessment reports below:

Results from the Hort Innovation Citrus Fund impact assessment

Download this short fact sheet for growers describing how the Citrus Fund assessments were made and what they found.

In summary, a random sample of eight projects was assessed, with an aggregated weighted average BCR of 3.4 to 1. These projects are expected to deliver some $29.15 million in additional value to the industry and community over the next 30 years.

To explore the full details of the impact assessments for each of the eight Citrus Fund projects assessed, you can download the full impact assessment reports below:

Results from the Hort Innovation Onion Fund impact assessment

Download this short fact sheet for growers describing how the Onion assessments were made and what they found.

In summary, a random sample of four projects was assessed, with an aggregated weighted average BCR of 2.3 to 1. These projects are expected to deliver some $11.99 million in additional value to the industry and community over the next 30 years.

To explore the full details of the impact assessments for each of the four Onion Fund projects assessed, you can download the full impact assessment reports below: