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Historical document

Communications support for the hazelnut industry (HZ13001)

Key research provider: Hazelnut Growers of Australia Inc
Publication date: 2016

This is a final research report from Hort Innovation’s historical archives. Please note that as these reports may date back as far as the 1990s, the content and recommendations within them may be superseded by more recent research.

What was it all about?

In Australia the landscape of volunteer organisation had changed over the past decade and this brought some challenges to Hazelnut Growers of Australia Inc, in its aim to best guide the industry and its growth in a positive fashion. We were finding it difficult to gather and maintain volunteers in this space where commercial realities were difficult yet vast.

The Hazelnut Growers Association (HGA) was the peak body representing the interests of hazelnut growers in Australia at the time. The industry was rapidly expanding its production as a result of increased plantings over the previous five years. As a result the industry required substantial continuing development to support this expansion.

As the Project Team Leader and President (2013 to 2015), I had limited experience in the Australian horticultural industry and had found the Communications Project Officer’s role to be an invaluable one in identifying and realising opportunities. It was vital that our industry stands tall amongst our peers and this role had assisted greatly in this aim by identifying and projecting opportunities, clarifying past experiences and working with the Executive to grow our industry.

HGA had established itself as an important and integral member of the Australian Nut Industry and while the smallest industry within the nut sector HGA had been able to present itself as a professional and competent organisation. HGA had and continued to present itself and relevant industry issues at a wide range of government, industry and community committees, organisations and meetings.

Hazelnut Growers of Australia Inc had continued the Communications Project Officer project through to December 2015 to build on the success of the first two years.

Regular communication of technical and regulatory developments to a developing industry's grower base by a trusted well informed source was vital to support industry up-take, growth, development and profitability resulting in confidence and further growth.

While the “Communications Support for the Hazelnut Industry” was a small project ($16,500 over eighteen months) it had been a very important one for the Australian Hazelnut Industry because it had brought some focus into the past, current and future needs and activities of the Hazelnut Growers of Australia Inc, and introduced a high level of professionalism. Over the past three and a half years the Communications Project Officer had undertaken a wide range of activities that were most important in achieving the goals of the project and clarifying and re-prioritizing future goals.

HGA was committed to continuing the programs and projects generated from this project utilising all available resources to ensure the momentum gained over the past three and a half years was not lost. HGA was already planning a range of new initiatives post December 2015 including:

  1. Improving the industry’s ability to manage biosecurity activities,
  2. Development of a new Strategic plan, R,D & E investment strategies, Marketing investment strategies, and specific development activity schedules, and
  3. Participating in the inaugural ‘Tri-Nut Conference’.
    As well as consolidating the recent past relationship building of sponsors, supporters and members.

978 0 7341 3916 0

Funding statement:
This project was funded by Hort Innovation (then Horticulture Australia Limited) with the financial support of the Hazelnut Growers of Australia Inc.

Copyright © Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited 2016. The Final Research Report (in part or as whole) cannot be reproduced, published, communicated or adapted without the prior written consent of Hort Innovation (except as may be permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)).