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Historical document

Subtropical banana industry market development implementation for 2012-13 (BA12000)

Key research provider: Geraldine O'Flynn
Publication date: July, 2013

This is a final research report from Hort Innovation’s historical archives. Please note that as these reports may date back as far as the 1990s, the content and recommendations within them may be superseded by more recent research.

What was it all about?

Following on from the development of a 3-year strategic plan for market development for the Subtropical Banana Industry in 2011, two specific projects aimed to implement initiatives identified in the plan. The first project was the development of an online supply chain directory specifically to provide a central point for development of supply and demand alliances. 

The second project was to address capacity building around grower needs in market development. To this end workshops were conducted across the region, designed to engage growers and wholesalers with other industry affiliates, to determine priorities and actionable plans for future market development.

A small but enthusiastic band of growers and wholesalers emerged, and supply chain networks were identified and developed. These included links to retailer groups, agri-tourism potential and areas of value adding potential.
As a result of the first round of workshops two objectives for the industry were identified:

  1. A collaborative grower group
  2. Specific strategic marketing for Subtropical Bananas.

The second round of workshops then addressed these two objectives and delivered information to the Subtropical Banana Industry on developing the capacity to move to the next stage with these objectives. This included utilising local/regional organisations such as Regional Development Australia for collaborative projects; as well as utilising regional identity, or provenance, for marketing leverage.


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Funding statement:
This project was funded by Hort Innovation (then Horticulture Australia Limited) with the financial support of Coffs Harbour Banana Growers Association.

Copyright © Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited 2013. The Final Research Report (in part or as whole) cannot be reproduced, published, communicated or adapted without the prior written consent of Hort Innovation (except as may be permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)).