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Ongoing project

Decision support models for Australian dried tree fruit (DT23001)

Key research provider: Chaffey & Associates

What is it all about?

The project provides a decision support tool that enables testing various scenarios and simulations, giving apricot growers a tool to explore the impact of variable changes to annual margins and longer-term return on investment.

To remain financially viable and competitive, dried tree fruit growers need to ensure their farm management is based on industry best practices and remains focused on improving the key drivers of productivity, quality, and profitability.

The product will use Microsoft Excel® to collate industry data and test management strategies, risk, and performance (physical and financial) of the dried tree fruit enterprise over an investment period of 20 years. Using the product will encourage improved resource allocation that promotes long-term growth and resilience of the Australian dried tree fruit industry. While initially focused on dried apricot growers, the product will be adaptable to other dried tree fruit businesses.

More broadly, this project will drive industry discussion about issues such as input supply and productivity, production efficiency improvements, and profitability effects. It will help to build industry capability and promote an improvement and innovation-focused culture.

Related levy funds

This project is a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Dried Tree Fruit Fund