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Ongoing project

Prune international industry study tour (DP23001)

Key research provider: Australian Prune Industry Association

What is it all about?

This study tour allows Australian prune industry participants, particularly emerging leaders, to see leading practices and innovation first-hand in California. By using international linkages with key research and producer bodies, future R&D investments and Australian prune industry capability should be enhanced.

The Australian prune industry is keen to return and strengthen its networks and continue to learn from one of the world's largest prune-producing countries. Importantly, similar prune production systems are used in California and Australia.

Australian prune production has continued to fluctuate in recent years, with average graded crop size dropping from about 2,700 tonnes over the past decade to just over 2,500 tonnes over the past five years. The Australian prune industry recognises the need to stimulate investment in new plantings and improve the quality of Australian prunes if the industry in Australia is to continue to be seen as a reliable, quality supplier.

A study tour to California, with the proposed range of visits and meetings, will stimulate grower confidence in the future by facilitating access to information that lifts productivity and profitability. This information will relate to the latest research results, new technologies, changes to farm practices and better market intelligence.

The prune industry sees networking with prune industries in other countries as an essential part of a strategy to develop direct access to the latest market and the latest technical information. Close consultation with the Californian industry will help identify areas for improvement and priorities for future research and development.

It will also help improve the Australian industry's understanding of prune market trends and future outlook. The US prune industry can offer valuable information to Australian growers on new varieties, production practices, irrigation systems and research and development findings.

The objectives of the project are:

  • To promote the continued development of the Australian prune industry.
  • To encourage the adoption of best practices in the growing, processing, and marketing of Australian prunes to maximise the profitability of the Australian industry.
  • To encourage and facilitate research related to the prune industry, including research to improve the quality of dried prunes.
Related levy funds

This project is a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Prune Fund