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Ongoing project

Behavioural and biological management of endemic and exotic leafminers in protected cropping systems (BY22001)

Key research provider: Macquarie University

What's it all about?

This investment is exploring behavioural and biological methods of managing and detecting endemic and exotic leafminers in protected cropping systems.

The behavioural control aspect of the research will involve developing a visually attractive model trap and identifying volatiles/lures that when combined with the visual trap will have compounding effect on the attractiveness of the trap. 

Additionally, the research will describe and identify vibrational signals that could be used as one of the control tools by masking mate recognition and location. This would be of particular value for the management of Liriomyza spp. as the adult life span is short and no chemically mediated mating disruption has been reported so far improving the feasibility of application of such tools. 

The biological management will identify the best performing biocontrol agent determined through performance evaluations, and use of herbivore induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) to enhance field parasitism.