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Ongoing project

Banana industry benchmarking (BA22009)

Key research provider: Aglytica

What's it all about?

This investment equips Australian banana growers with the ability to compare their businesses against national and regional benchmarking data. This will enable growers to track their performance against industry averages and ‘best in class’ performance, providing the opportunity for making positive changes to their business to promote growth.

A tailor-made platform for the industry will be established with a user-friendly interface that simplifies data entry, enabling each participating producer to submit their information and receive valuable insights into their business. The information will be peer-reviewed through benchmarking to identify best practices and provide commentary and guidance to growers on using the data to improve their operations.

The data and insights generated through the project will provide a strong overall industry view of trends within growing regions and better identify areas of broad focus for improvement.

Related levy funds

This project is a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Banana Fund