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Completed project

Avocado industry market data capture and analysis (AV20000)

Key research provider: Avocados Australia
Publication date: Wednesday, May 1, 2024

What was it all about?

This investment delivered high-quality industry data to the avocado supply chain to support short—and long-term business-level and industry-level planning and decision-making across the Australian avocado industry. This entailed providing robust industry data to underpin effective supply chain management.

The project team developed a suite of reports and insights that were regularly provided to the industry to assist with business and industry planning and management. For individual businesses and the broader industry, the data has provided:

  • Weekly reports which show volumes of avocados supplied into the domestic market in the past week and the forecast volumes to be supplied in the next four weeks.  This data has assisted suppliers and traders in monitoring and moderating the flow of avocados through the supply chain to minimise the risk of over or under-supply, optimising quality at a retail level and value to the supply chain.
  • A rolling 12-month monthly forecast of avocado supply into the Australian market to assist with seasonal transitions, planning harvest, logistics, and marketing.
  • Insights into export market opportunities and an understanding of global competitors.
  • Information on current plantings and likely future production levels by region/time of year.
  • Long-term production forecasts to guide industry strategic plans, R&D, and marketing investments.
  • Data to monitor industry performance and progress over time.

Much of the data collected, collated, analysed, and reported through this program depended on the contribution of data from individual businesses. Over the three years of the program, the average participation rate increased from 88.42 per cent in 2020/21 to 92.81 per cent in 2022/23, weighted by volumes produced by region.

Another measure of success was the alignment of avocado supply volumes reported through this program with the levy receipt volumes reported by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Levies Revenue Service each quarter. Over the three-year period, Infocado covered 92.25 per cent of levied volume, on average, weighted by yearly volume produced.

Related levy funds

This program was a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Avocado Fund