Apple and pear industry data collection (AP13035)
What was it all about?
This 2014/15 voluntary data collection program gave the apple and pear industry access to more accurate predictions of national crop volume and related effects on market price and resources such as labour and post-harvest facilities.
This project improved on previous collection methods, allowing the industry to make better-informed strategic decisions that will improve profitability.
Data was compiled in the Australian Pome Fruit Tree Registry, an online system for managing industry tree statistics that can be found on the APAL website,
The registry holds data on variety mix, rootstock, tree age and tree density for 7250 hectares – covering around 60 per cent of the total planted apple and pear area in Australia.
The project also produced the National Pome Fruit Crop Estimate 2015, including detailed predictions of production at state and variety level.
Additionally, a national monitoring orchard network grower panel was established to produce accurate national crop estimates.
Learn more about the Australian Pome Fruit Tree Registry on the APAL website
Funding statement:
This project has been funded by Hort Innovation
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