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Ongoing project

Almond industry innovation and adoption program – phase two

Key research provider: Almond Board of Australia

What is it all about?

This project is tasked with providing almond growers with access to the information they need to make informed business decisions and the appropriate skills to adopt world’s best practice. In doing so, the competitiveness of the Australian almond industry will be maintained, and Australian almond producers will continue to be profitable and sustainable. 

The program will address gaps in knowledge and technology and continue the work that took place through Almond industry innovation and adoption program (AL19001).The program will promote avenues for two-way information exchange between growers and knowledge owners, so information can be readily accessed in many formats that is tailored for each growing region and takes into consideration different learning styles. 

To achieve on-farm adoption, impediments to change will be identified and addressed to ensure relevant and practical solutions are identified to enable uptake. This approach recognises that driving innovation across the supply chain and facilitating information exchange requires strong networks with stakeholders.

A program of regional industry development and extension outputs will be designed that best suits the industry-identified issues as identified through liaison with growers and industry stakeholders including developing networks/relationships and insight/feedback collection. 

Outputs will include (but are not limited to):

  • Documented best management practices (BMP) creating a legacy of resources such as grower tools, factsheets, guidelines, videos, webpages, grower notices, technical articles, published papers, Almond Hort360 modules.

  • One-on-one support with growers to address individual issues during phone calls, farm visits, online meetings, emails, office visits.

  • Providing co-ordination and facilitation of group-based learning activities including field days, training workshops, webinars, study tours, conferences and research forums, regional meetings, farm demonstrations.

  • Supporting advisory committees and problem-solving discussions highlighting future R&D needs achieved through a regular meeting schedule, governed by clear terms of reference, briefing notes, presentations, minuting and maintenance of action item registers.

  • Supporting service providers and stakeholders through Industry update presentations, trade displays and other outputs.

  • Informing strategy and policy development through the participation of Industry Development Managers and Officers from the Almond Board of Australia in government-initiated activities seeking industry consultation.
Related levy funds

This project is a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Almond Fund