The below minor use permits were recently issued by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA). This information is circulated as part of Hort Innovation's Growing Innovation e-newsletter, which members and interested horticulture participants receive monthly. Sign up here.
Permit ID |
Description (chemical/crop/pest or use) |
Original date of issue |
Expiry date |
Permit holder |
Link |
PER89705 Version 3 |
Indoxacarb (Avatar evo, avatar and steward EC insecticide) / Sweet corn / Fall armyworm |
24-Jun-20 |
31-Dec-20 |
Hort Innovation |
PER88358 |
Mancozeb / Olives / Anthracnose |
2-Jul-20 |
31-Jul-23 |
Hort Innovation |
PER88430 |
Afidopyropen (Versys insecticide) / Carrots / Aphids including green peach aphid and carrot aphid |
3-Jul-20 |
31-Jul-23 |
Hort Innovation |
PER13378 Version 4 |
Fenbutatin-oxide (Torque miticide) / Table grapes / Rust mite and two-spotted mite |
09-Nov-12 |
31-Jul-25 |
Hort Innovation |
PER12357 Version 4 |
Linuron / Parsnips / Grass and broadleaf weeds as per the approved label |
9-May-12 |
31-Jul-25 |
Hort Innovation |
PER13445 Version 3 |
Chlorothalonil / Persimmon / Cercospora leaf spot |
22-Aug-12 |
31-Jul-25 |
Hort Innovation |
PER81260 Version 3 |
Imidacloprid / Beetroot / Aphid and thrips |
1-Dec-15 |
31-Jul-25 |
Hort Innovation |
PER14722 Version 3 |
Abamectin / Cucumber, squash, zucchini and potato / Tomato red spider mite (Tetranychus evansi) Please note that PER14722 Version 2 also included Capsicum, Chilli, Paprika, Eggplant, Sweet Corn, Snow pea, Sugar snap pea and Tomato. These crops are now covered on various Abamectin Registered Labels and are therefore not included in Version 3 of this permit. |
17-Feb-15 |
31-Jul-25 |
Hort Innovation |
PER83765 Version 2 |
Fludioxinil + Metalaxyl-M (Maxim XL fungicide seed treatment) / Spinach and silverbeet / Damping off cause by Rhizoctonia solani, or Phytophthora spp. |
21-Aug-17 |
31-Jul-25 |
Hort Innovation |
PER82456 Version 2 |
Mancozeb + Metalaxyl-M (Ridomil Gold MZ WG) / Snow peas, sugar snap peas, field grown capsicums, chillies and paprika / Downy mildew |
27-Jun-17 |
31-Jul-25 |
Hort Innovation |
PER80954 Version 3 |
Methoxyfenozide (Prodigy) / Snow peas and sugar snap peas / Helicoverpa and cluster caterpillar |
1-Oct-15 |
31-Jul-25 |
Hort Innovation |
PER13176 Version 3 |
Shin etsu MD carmenta pheromone / Persimmons / Clearwing borer |
30-Nov-12 |
31-Jul-23 |
Hort Innovation |
PER80975 Version 3 |
Lambda-cyhalothrin (Karate zeon) / Parsley / Red-legged earth mite, rutherglen bug, grey cluster bug, onion thrips, plague thrips and Lopper |
11-Oct-15 |
31-Jul-25 |
Hort Innovation |
PER12716 Version 3 |
Imidacloprid (Confidor) / Asian root vegetables / Greenhouse whitefly, green peach aphid and suppression of plague thrips |
12-Apr-15 |
31-Jul-25 |
Hort Innovation |
PER13695 Version 3 |
Potassium bicarbonate (Ecocarb fungicide) / Parsnip, radish, swede, turnip, snow peas, sugar snap peas, silverbeet, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, herbs, and brassica leafy vegetables / Powdery mildew |
31-Oct-12 |
31-Jul-25 |
Hort Innovation |
PER81408 Version 3 |
Phosphorous acid / Capsicum and eggplant / Phytophthora soil fungus |
7-Sep-15 |
31-Jul-25 |
Hort Innovation |
PER12048 Version 4 |
Prometryn / Parsnip and carrots / Weeds as per product label |
9-May-12 |
31-Jul-25 |
Hort innovation |
PER80344 Version 2 |
Chlorpyrifos / Potato / African black beetle and red-legged earth mite (WA only) |
2-Jan-15 |
31-Jul-22 |
Hort Innovation |
PER88559 |
Serenade opti biofungicide / Cherries / Suppression of blossom blight, brown rot, bacterial canker, brown spot, bacterial spot and botrytis grey mould (All States and territories, except Victoria) |
4-Aug-20 |
31-Aug-22 |
Hort Innovation |
Minor use permits surrendered as part of the ‘permit to label’ initiative
The following permits are being surrendered, as their uses are now covered under official label registrations. An official date of surrender has not yet been provided so, as always, be sure to confirm details via the APVMA’s website at
Vegetable permits surrendered as uses now covered on registered labels
Permit ID |
Description (chemical/crop/pest or use) |
Original date of issue |
Expiry date |
Permit holder |
PER12846 Version 3 |
Abamectin / Snow peas and sugar snap peas / Two-spotted mite |
31-May-13 |
30-Sep-20 |
Hort Innovation |
PER13300 Version 4 |
Abamectin / Rhubarb / Broad mite |
11-Oct-13 |
31-Dec-21 |
Hort Innovation |
PER14696 Version 3 |
Abamectin / Head lettuce (field) / Two-spotted mite |
1-Apr-14 |
31-Dec-23 |
Hort Innovation |
PER14536 |
Abamectin / Sweet corn, spring onions and shallots (field only) and chillies and paprika (PC and field) / Two-spotted mite |
30-May-14 |
31-Dec-23 |
Hort Innovation |
PER14036 Version 2 |
Bupirimate (Nimrod fungicide) / Eggplant / Powdery mildew |
1-Apr-13 |
28-Feb-23 |
Hort Innovation |
PER14840 Version 3 |
Bupirimate (Nimrod fungicide) / Cucurbits (Including bitter melon, cucumber, gherkin, pumpkin, squash, watermelon and zucchini) and Peppers (Capsicum, chillies and paprika) / Powdery mildew |
1-Oct-14 |
30-Sep-24 |
Hort Innovation |
PER80891 |
Tebufenpyrad (Pyranica) / Cucumbers / Two-spotted mite and european red mite (Registered - SIPCAM Pyranica Miticide Label) |
30-Sep-15 |
30-Sep-20 |
Hort Innovation |
Other industries permits surrendered as uses now covered on registered labels
Permit ID |
Description (chemical/crop/pest or use) |
Original date of issue |
Expiry date |
Permit holder |
PER14932 Version 2 |
Abamectin / Citrus / Queensland fruit fly Use now registered on various labels |
17-Feb-15 |
31-Jan-23 |
Citrus Australia Limited (CAL) C/Hort Innovation |
PER83931 Version 2 |
Abamectin / Custard apples / Two-spotted mite and banana spider mite Use now registered on various labels |
19-Jul-17 |
31-Jul-24 |
Hort Innovation |
PER87717 Version 2 |
Abamectin / Lychee / Two-spotted mite and litchi erinose mite Use now registered on various labels |
9-May-19 |
30-Nov-25 |
Hort Innovation |
PER12847 Version 2 |
Abamectin / Cultivated mushrooms / Red pepper mites, mushroom pygmy mites and soil borne nematodes of the family Rhabditidae Use now registered on various labels |
15-Apr-14 |
30-Jun-22 |
Australian Mushroom Growers Asssociation (AMGA) C/Hort Innovation |
PER14665 Version 3 |
Abamectin / Passionfruit / Passionvine mite and two-spotted mite Use now registered on various labels |
13-Jul-14 |
31-Oct-20 |
Passionfruit Australia Incorporated (PAI) C/Hort Innovation |
PER13956 Version 3 |
Abamectin / Raspberry, blackberry and blackcurrant / Two-spotted mites Use now registered on various labels |
31-May-13 |
31-May-23 |
Raspberry and Blackberries Association (RABA) C/Hort Innovation |
PER14423 Version 3 |
Abamectin / Blackberries, blueberries and raspberries / Queensland fruit fly Use now registered for Blackberries and Raspberries on various labels. Blueberries covered under the Accensi and Barmac abamectin labels. Products 53080 and 83173 |
23-May-14 |
31-Mar-24 |
RABA C/Hort Innovation |
PER13153 Version 3 |
Fipronil / Sweetpotato / White fringed weevil and wireworms Use registered on multiple labels |
14-Dec-11 |
31-Dec-21 |
Hort Innovation |
PER80670 |
Cyflufenamid (Flute) / Strawberry runner production only / Powdery mildew Use now registered in strawberries for field and PC – bearing and non-bearing |
8-Aug-15 |
31-Jul-20 |
Summerfruit Australia Incorporated (SAI) C/Hort Innovation |
PER80543 |
Bupirimate (Nimrod fungicide) / Strawberry runner production only / Powdery mildew Use now registered for Nursery production – non-bearing |
11-Oct-15 |
31-Aug-20 |
SAI C/Hort Innovation |
PER12750 Version 2 |
Glufosinate and glyphosate / Blackcurrants / Various weeds Use now registered in all States |
07-Jul-11 |
30-Jun-21 |
RABA C/Hort Innovation |
PER84019 Version 2 |
Fludioxonil (Scholar fungicide) / Pineapple / Postharvest moulds (Penicillium spp.) Approved for permit to label – use now registered on various labels including Campbell Fludy 230SC and Starling Fungicide |
01-Sep-17 |
30-Sep-24 |
Hort Innovation |
PER83635 |
Fludioxonil (Scholar) / Chestnuts / Suppression of surface mould and Fungal rots Approved for permit to label – use now registered on various labels including Campbell Fludy 230SC and Starling Fungicide |
17-Mar-17 |
31-Mar-22 |
Chestnuts Australia Incorporated (CAI) C/Hort Innovation |
PER14310 Version 2 |
Clofentezine (Apollo) / Almonds / Two-spotted mite and Brown almond mite Use now registered and covered under Campbell Apollo Label |
05-Aug-13 |
31-Jul-23 |
Almond Board of Australia (ABA) C/Hort Innovation |
What is the Permit to Label initiative?
Back in 2015, the Australian Government committed $8 million to help farmers gain improved access to safe and effective agricultural and veterinary chemicals, while reducing the regulatory burden on stakeholders. One project under this scheme involves transferring appropriate use patterns from minor use permits to product labels (that is, to full registered usage).
As part of this initiative, the APVMA has reviewed approximately 1850 current minor use permits by active ingredient, having identified potential use patterns for transfer to label using the following screening criteria:
- There is an eligible registered product to which the use pattern can be transferred
- Primary industry use pattern on crops or livestock species, turf and forestry
- And no further (or minimal) data are required, such as information relating to residues or efficacy.
The use patterns of the above permits were acceptable to transfer to label, with the APVMA satisfied that certain statutory criteria were met, including in relation to efficacy, safety and trade. The product registrants were invited to submit applications to add the uses to their label/s under a reduced fee waiver.
All efforts have been made to provide the most current, complete and accurate information on these permits, however you should always confirm all details on the APVMA website at Details of the conditions of use associated with these permits can also be found on the APVMA site.
You can also access the Non-Performance Reporting Form for Horticultural Pesticides here. This form should be completed when an adverse experience occurs as a result of using a permit. A 'non-performance' is an unintended or unexpected effect on plants, plant products, animals, human beings or the environment, including injury, sensitivity reactions or lack of efficacy associated with the use of an agricultural chemical product(s) when used according to label (or permit) directions.
Users are advised that while the pesticide can be applied legally under the APVMA minor use permit, there can be a significant delay until the MRL gazetted by the APVMA is adopted in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. Until this occurs the MRL may not be recognised and a zero tolerance may be imposed for residues of the pesticide resulting from its use according to the APVMA permit.
Please be aware that in the absence of an MRL in the Food Standards Code, the use of the pesticide according to the permit may result in the suspension of the produce in the marketplace. Please check the FSANZ website or the Australian Government ComLaw website ( to confirm if there are MRL established by the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.