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Growers Funding, consulting and investing Investment documents Hort Frontiers Strategic Investment Plans

Hort Frontiers Strategic Investment Plans

Strategic Investment Plans are being developed for each of the funds

Hort Innovation has developed the Hort Frontiers strategic partnership initiative to better equip Australian horticulture for the future challenges that need to be overcome in order to remain innovative and sustainable.

There are currently seven strategic investment funds within Hort Frontiers, each addressing a specific opportunity for the horticulture industry.

Strategic Investment Plans

A Strategic Investment Plan (SIP) is an investment roadmap that provides the criteria and boundaries for each Hort Frontiers fund and its portfolio of investments. It lays the foundation for guiding co-investment decisions, providing a clear vision, mission and investment priorities.

A SIP for each fund is currently being developed and will be published during 2019. They will be produced under the umbrella of the Hort Innovation Strategy 2019-2023, taking a whole-of-industry view in setting its direction, as it considers broader government priorities for agriculture and for the advancement of Australian horticulture.

Developing the Strategic Investment Plans

The SIPs are being developed through a process involving each fund’s Expert Advisory Panel and industry experts.

A draft version of each SIP will be published as the process of development draws to a close, giving stakeholders an opportunity to provide feedback before it is published.

Pollination Fund draft Strategic Investment Plan 2020-2015

The draft version of the Pollination Fund SIP will be available below until late July 2019. The final version of the SIP will be published in August 2019.

Pollination Fund draft SIP
Draft Strategic Investment Plan