Closing date: October 29, 2024
Request for Proposal
Hort Innovation is seeking a suitably qualified, experienced and capable delivery partner for the project: Fungal bio-control agent for Varroa mite (PH24001).
The objectives of the services being sought are to:
- Identify thermo-tolerant Australian isolates of entomopathogens (fungal) with high virulence to Varroa mites.
- Develop in Vitro and in Vivo assays.
- Conduct in vitro culturing system for detailed laboratory assays and conduct small-scale field trials in research apiaries.
- Assess safety of entomopathogen isolates to honey bees and bee products.
- Conduct investigations to ensure the fungal spores are safe for honey bees and their products.
- Test product residue impact.
- Test robustness of product when exposed to horticultural crop fungicides.
- Optimise formulations and application methods.
- Determine the minimum effective spore doses and test various formulations and application methods.
- Develop commercialisation plan.
Hort Innovation has prepared a Request for Proposal (RFP) document that provides background information, outlines the scope of services, the procurement process and the information required from interested parties.
The RFP may be downloaded from (you will need to be a member of to access this information).
The closing date for responses is October 29, 2024 3:00PM (AEDT).